At CentrX, we create memorable experiential learning experiences to help you and your business grow. As part of that commitment, we offer free guides and infographics to boost your learning and development needs. From using experiential learning within your training programs, to industry specific guides on building leadership, improving commercial excellence or accelerating innovation, explore our resources below.

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Is AI the future of leadership development?

Rapid advances are being made in the abilities of artificial intelligence (AI), prompting speculation around AI’s potential to replace human labor in jobs that had, until recently, been considered practically impossible to automate, not least in the field of education.


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6 Leadership Development Trends

How can organizations prepare current and future leaders to stay agile and relevant in today's volatile environment? Here are the top trends in leadership development.


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The New Blue Ocean Strategy Casebook

The secrets behind 8 Blue Ocean success stories and more 


VUCA whitepaper Download landing page (1)




Moving Ahead in a VUCA World

Understanding business through the lens of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) can provide insights that will prepare your people and your organization for success in the toughest environments. Learn how to help your organization to anticipate challenges, prepare for unexpected outcomes and explore emerging opportunities.


Experiential Learning User's Guide

Its impact for organizations in achieving growth.

Download Here

Trends in Leadership Development Guide

How can you shape future leaders with the skills for success?

Download Here


Leading in Biotech & Pharma Guide

Preparing biopharma firms for success.

Download Here


Accelerating Innovation Guide

How can industry incumbents innovate in an increasingly competitive world?

Download Here

Experiential Learning in Biopharma Guide

How teams can overcome fiercer competition, slower sales growth and declining profitability in the industry? 

Biopharma Guide

The Pharma Wars Series

The future pharma galaxy is complex.

The Pharma Wars Series

B2B Marketing Guide

Preparing B2B marketing teams for success.

B2B Marketing Guide

Benefits of Business Simulations Guide

How can you use business simulations as an immersive tool for L&D needs

Benefits Infographic 

Leadership Agility Guide

Agile leaders tend to move through five hierarchical stages

Agility Infographic 

Learning Assets

We have designed some free resources for blog writers and learning professionals. Feel free to reach out if you would like to use one or more of our assets. All subject to CentrX's intellectual property rights, you are permitted to download images and and use extracts from our website for your own use,  provided that:

  • you include an acknowledgement and backlink of copied material, specifying CentrX as the author and owner.
  • you do not modify any content or related graphics in any way or edit a sequence of any of our videos.


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