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How to kill the phrase "because we've always done it this way"

You've probably heard this phrase before, most likely in a professional context, perhaps from a stakeholder or colleague. If you embrace and promote change, it can be frustrating, especially if it directly impacts business outcomes. Here I will...

Leading in Business in The Digital Age - The CentrX Way

The digital evolution that has shaped the last few decades will be rapidly overtaken by other revolutions, such as Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, amongst others. We will be moving from a production-led economy to a creation-led one, in...

The Struggles of a Chief Learning Officer by CentrX

The job of a Chief Learning Officer (CLO) can be both hugely rewarding and intricately challenging. When successful, a CLO prepares the workforce for the challenges of the future, equipping them with the vital skills and confidence necessary to lead...

Grow or Go - How Businesses Drive The Change & Profits

Re-thinking where to compete and how to win is key to success. And it should not only be up to senior leaders who decide where the company should go.

Indeed, making good choices about where and how to compete requires a shared and firm understanding...

Change or Die: How Innovation & Leadership Shape Business

Gerstner went on to save IBM from stagnation and rocketed the company back into the forefront of the technology industry (he also coined the term e-business). He did so by implementing sweeping changes in the organization. The same mindset holds...

How to kill the phrase "because we've always done it this way"

You've probably heard this phrase before, most likely in a professional context, perhaps from a stakeholder or colleague. If you embrace and promote change, it can be frustrating, especially if it directly impacts business outcomes. Here I will...

Leading in Business in The Digital Age - The CentrX Way

The digital evolution that has shaped the last few decades will be rapidly overtaken by other revolutions, such as Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, amongst others. We will be moving from a production-led economy to a creation-led one, in...

The Struggles of a Chief Learning Officer by CentrX

The job of a Chief Learning Officer (CLO) can be both hugely rewarding and intricately challenging. When successful, a CLO prepares the workforce for the challenges of the future, equipping them with the vital skills and confidence necessary to lead...

Grow or Go - How Businesses Drive The Change & Profits

Re-thinking where to compete and how to win is key to success. And it should not only be up to senior leaders who decide where the company should go.

Indeed, making good choices about where and how to compete requires a shared and firm understanding...

Change or Die: How Innovation & Leadership Shape Business

Gerstner went on to save IBM from stagnation and rocketed the company back into the forefront of the technology industry (he also coined the term e-business). He did so by implementing sweeping changes in the organization. The same mindset holds...