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Our Experiential Learning Story

Today we would like to share the story of our evolution from StratX to StratX ExL. 

Future-Proofing Your Leaders for 2030 & Beyond

Futurist and author Jack Uldrich defines a future-proof leader as “someone who takes the time to become aware of how fast the world is changing, aware of various trends that might affect his or her business.” There is grave danger that leaders...

Top Benefits of Using Business Simulations for Corporate Learning

In today’s more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, leaders must be agile, creative, and flexible, but how can organizations best prepare their leaders for today's challenges and future disruptions? Our infographic below explores the...

How Can Experiential Learning Improve Diversity in the Workplace

There are clear moral and business imperatives for companies to fully establish a diverse workplace. A commitment to diversity is not only important as a way to overcome historic prejudices based on sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or other...

How to Improve Employee Development Within Your Business

Investing in the development of employees should be one of the top priorities for companies. However, while many business leaders understand the importance, it is often difficult to understand the areas your employees need to develop and how, and so...

How Simulators Have Changed the World

As a fundamental tool used within our experiential learning programs, we know all too well how simulators (or more specifically, business simulations) have changed the corporate training world. While their impact within learning and development is...

The Future of Learning is Experiential (and Virtual)

Recent trends in the learning industry point towards an increase in the need for the learning experience to be experiential. And since the spring of 2020, that also means it must be virtual.

Driving Learning Engagement in the Online Environment: Key Success Factors

When designing an experiential learning initiative, whether online or in person, what are the factors that drive engagement? Let us take you through our top success factors for creating engaging learning experiences and how you can apply them to the...

Corporate Training Trends for 2021 & Beyond

Welcome. No year has ever been as difficult for those involved in corporate training and professional development than 2020. With constant adaptations, disruptions, and adjustments, businesses have naturally had other priorities to navigate, but...

Using Business Simulation Games for Leadership Training & Development: How it works

In the modern era of training, organizations have had to invest heavily in their human resources, ensuring that they are up to date and well equipped for the multitude of business challenges they face. Leaders must be agile, adaptable, and ready to...

Are Business Simulations Right for You?

Experiential learning is all the buzz, and a prime example of this impactful methodology is the business simulation. Spanning from simple games that take just a few hours to complete, to complex, true-to-market simulations that can be used...

How to Create Engaging Learning Experiences Online: Key Learnings from Our Webinar

If you were unable to attend our webinar in May on How to Create Engaging Learning Experiences Online, then fear not. Here, we provide a recap of the key discussions and learnings so you can apply them to your online learning and development...

Boosting Engagement by Bringing Experiential Learning Journeys Online

Online, remote, virtual or e-learning, means something different for everyone. From how it started in the University of London, offering distance, external programs as early as 1858. To the internet boom and the introduction of the learning...

Experiential Learning & The Modern Learner

Markets are changing. Learning is evolving. Technologies have come and gone. Ideas have been born and laid to rest, but some concepts remain and continue to play a fundamental role in the overall scope of learning. Our rebrand as CentrX is related...

4 Tips to Develop Future Leaders in the Age of Automation

Technological trends are challenging the traditional corporate learning systems and programs used for talent development. To succeed in the future workplace, your L&D strategy should consider new technologies such as automation as an advantage...

Top Benefits of Using Business Simulations for Corporate Learning

In today’s more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, leaders must be agile, creative, and flexible, but how can organizations best prepare their leaders for today's challenges and future disruptions? Our infographic below explores the...

How Can Experiential Learning Improve Diversity in the Workplace

There are clear moral and business imperatives for companies to fully establish a diverse workplace. A commitment to diversity is not only important as a way to overcome historic prejudices based on sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or other...

How to Improve Employee Development Within Your Business

Investing in the development of employees should be one of the top priorities for companies. However, while many business leaders understand the importance, it is often difficult to understand the areas your employees need to develop and how, and so...

How Simulators Have Changed the World

As a fundamental tool used within our experiential learning programs, we know all too well how simulators (or more specifically, business simulations) have changed the corporate training world. While their impact within learning and development is...

The Future of Learning is Experiential (and Virtual)

Recent trends in the learning industry point towards an increase in the need for the learning experience to be experiential. And since the spring of 2020, that also means it must be virtual.

Driving Learning Engagement in the Online Environment: Key Success Factors

When designing an experiential learning initiative, whether online or in person, what are the factors that drive engagement? Let us take you through our top success factors for creating engaging learning experiences and how you can apply them to the...

Corporate Training Trends for 2021 & Beyond

Welcome. No year has ever been as difficult for those involved in corporate training and professional development than 2020. With constant adaptations, disruptions, and adjustments, businesses have naturally had other priorities to navigate, but...

Using Business Simulation Games for Leadership Training & Development: How it works

In the modern era of training, organizations have had to invest heavily in their human resources, ensuring that they are up to date and well equipped for the multitude of business challenges they face. Leaders must be agile, adaptable, and ready to...

Are Business Simulations Right for You?

Experiential learning is all the buzz, and a prime example of this impactful methodology is the business simulation. Spanning from simple games that take just a few hours to complete, to complex, true-to-market simulations that can be used...

How to Create Engaging Learning Experiences Online: Key Learnings from Our Webinar

If you were unable to attend our webinar in May on How to Create Engaging Learning Experiences Online, then fear not. Here, we provide a recap of the key discussions and learnings so you can apply them to your online learning and development...

Boosting Engagement by Bringing Experiential Learning Journeys Online

Online, remote, virtual or e-learning, means something different for everyone. From how it started in the University of London, offering distance, external programs as early as 1858. To the internet boom and the introduction of the learning...

Experiential Learning & The Modern Learner

Markets are changing. Learning is evolving. Technologies have come and gone. Ideas have been born and laid to rest, but some concepts remain and continue to play a fundamental role in the overall scope of learning. Our rebrand as CentrX is related...

Our Experiential Learning Story

Today we would like to share the story of our evolution from StratX to StratX ExL. 

4 Tips to Develop Future Leaders in the Age of Automation

Technological trends are challenging the traditional corporate learning systems and programs used for talent development. To succeed in the future workplace, your L&D strategy should consider new technologies such as automation as an advantage...

Future-Proofing Your Leaders for 2030 & Beyond

Futurist and author Jack Uldrich defines a future-proof leader as “someone who takes the time to become aware of how fast the world is changing, aware of various trends that might affect his or her business.” There is grave danger that leaders...