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#MeetCentrX: What Makes a Great Team?

At CentrX, we believe the right blend of unique leadership styles and diverse expertise forms a powerful team.

What is a Collaborative Leadership Style & How to Apply it

It might be all coming to a dramatic end for top-down hierarchies in the workplace. Management, take a hike, the future has Collaborative Leadership written all over it.

Using Creative Leadership Skills to Lead Teams Effectively

Leading a team is no mean feat. Taking a group of individuals, with their own unique skill sets, ability levels, ideas, and motivations, and pulling them all together to effectively manage and deliver a project is always going to be quite a...

Expert Insights : Leadership and Innovation

Innovation is, or certainly should be, at the heart of every company’s strategic priorities. These priorities may be phrased in different ways such as ‘growth’, ‘transformation’, ‘becoming more agile’, ‘creating new solutions’ or ‘building a...

Expert Insights : Leadership and Collaboration

Amidst radical re-inventions in communications, healthcare, housing, military, transportation and many other technologies, one thing has remained unchallenged. It is the way we consider leadership, since the early stages of mankind.

4 Tips to Develop Future Leaders in the Age of Automation

Technological trends are challenging the traditional corporate learning systems and programs used for talent development. To succeed in the future workplace, your L&D strategy should consider new technologies such as automation as an advantage...

5 Signs Your Business Needs a New L&D Strategy

Does your business need a new Learning and Development strategy? How do you know that it is time to shake things up and try something more effective? If your organization is experiencing any of the following symptoms, it might be time to explore new...

Learnings from an Industry Leader in Innovation

We speak to the Co-Founder of Ubeeqo and now Chief Product Officer of Europcar Mobility Group, Alexandre Crosby, to find out how he disrupted a market and what it takes to be a leading entrepreneur.

Leading Innovation: The Do's and Don'ts

Are you prepared to lead innovation? Whether to offer better products and solutions for your customers, or to solve organizational challenges, you will need to have the right mindset and be equipped with the skills necessary for innovation success.

3 Tips to Becoming an Innovative Leader

In an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world, business leaders are keenly aware of the need to continuously innovate in order to remain competitive. Here we provide three tips on how leaders can unlock innovation.

What's Your Leadership Style? Quiz

In an age where working effectively with diverse and cross-functional teams, knowing which style of leadership you employ can be key to ensuring that your teams are successful.  Take our quiz to find out what leadership style fits you the best.

Leading in the Age of Disruption

Let me start with a startling statistic: 75 percent of the S&P 500 companies from 2012 will be entirely replaced by 2027. And here’s another one: the average company lifespan has dropped from 61 to 18 years over the past 60 years, and continues to...

The Death of the Hero Leader and the Future of Leadership Development Programs

In our recent white paper on leadership development trends, we touched on the need for leaders of the future need to be self-aware and seek to develop themselves while empowering their people to do the same. In this post, we expand on this point and...

How Disruption is Changing the Face of Leadership

Today’s economy, one that is fueled by major shifts in technology and financial crisis, is causing organizations to redefine their leadership approach in order to stay competitive. There isn’t a company that doesn’t talk of “getting digital” &...

3 Global Leadership Methods for Empowering Teams

Organizations are adopting new, innovative leadership methods to manage the highly diverse and multi-generational workforce of today. It’s one of the ways to stay ahead of the curve in a volatile, and uncertain business environment. Looking to how...

What is a Collaborative Leadership Style & How to Apply it

It might be all coming to a dramatic end for top-down hierarchies in the workplace. Management, take a hike, the future has Collaborative Leadership written all over it.

Using Creative Leadership Skills to Lead Teams Effectively

Leading a team is no mean feat. Taking a group of individuals, with their own unique skill sets, ability levels, ideas, and motivations, and pulling them all together to effectively manage and deliver a project is always going to be quite a...

Expert Insights : Leadership and Innovation

Innovation is, or certainly should be, at the heart of every company’s strategic priorities. These priorities may be phrased in different ways such as ‘growth’, ‘transformation’, ‘becoming more agile’, ‘creating new solutions’ or ‘building a...

Expert Insights : Leadership and Collaboration

Amidst radical re-inventions in communications, healthcare, housing, military, transportation and many other technologies, one thing has remained unchallenged. It is the way we consider leadership, since the early stages of mankind.

4 Tips to Develop Future Leaders in the Age of Automation

Technological trends are challenging the traditional corporate learning systems and programs used for talent development. To succeed in the future workplace, your L&D strategy should consider new technologies such as automation as an advantage...

5 Signs Your Business Needs a New L&D Strategy

Does your business need a new Learning and Development strategy? How do you know that it is time to shake things up and try something more effective? If your organization is experiencing any of the following symptoms, it might be time to explore new...

Learnings from an Industry Leader in Innovation

We speak to the Co-Founder of Ubeeqo and now Chief Product Officer of Europcar Mobility Group, Alexandre Crosby, to find out how he disrupted a market and what it takes to be a leading entrepreneur.

Leading Innovation: The Do's and Don'ts

Are you prepared to lead innovation? Whether to offer better products and solutions for your customers, or to solve organizational challenges, you will need to have the right mindset and be equipped with the skills necessary for innovation success.

3 Tips to Becoming an Innovative Leader

In an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world, business leaders are keenly aware of the need to continuously innovate in order to remain competitive. Here we provide three tips on how leaders can unlock innovation.

What's Your Leadership Style? Quiz

In an age where working effectively with diverse and cross-functional teams, knowing which style of leadership you employ can be key to ensuring that your teams are successful.  Take our quiz to find out what leadership style fits you the best.

Leading in the Age of Disruption

Let me start with a startling statistic: 75 percent of the S&P 500 companies from 2012 will be entirely replaced by 2027. And here’s another one: the average company lifespan has dropped from 61 to 18 years over the past 60 years, and continues to...

The Death of the Hero Leader and the Future of Leadership Development Programs

In our recent white paper on leadership development trends, we touched on the need for leaders of the future need to be self-aware and seek to develop themselves while empowering their people to do the same. In this post, we expand on this point and...

How Disruption is Changing the Face of Leadership

Today’s economy, one that is fueled by major shifts in technology and financial crisis, is causing organizations to redefine their leadership approach in order to stay competitive. There isn’t a company that doesn’t talk of “getting digital” &...

#MeetCentrX: What Makes a Great Team?

At CentrX, we believe the right blend of unique leadership styles and diverse expertise forms a powerful team.

3 Global Leadership Methods for Empowering Teams

Organizations are adopting new, innovative leadership methods to manage the highly diverse and multi-generational workforce of today. It’s one of the ways to stay ahead of the curve in a volatile, and uncertain business environment. Looking to how...